La ricerca ha trovato 2 risultati

da doublesam
25/08/2005, 22:58
Forum: Contributions
Argomento: Ancora Partita IVA
Risposte: 3
Visite : 932

Thank for the answers, I found out a solution, using another contriution adpated to the whole European Union. It' s called Tvaintracom, then I adapted prof_invoice&packingSlip another contribution, both are available on, and I get good invoices, with VAT number and everything. Ciao,
da doublesam
25/08/2005, 1:00
Forum: Contributions
Argomento: Ancora Partita IVA
Risposte: 3
Visite : 932

Ancora Partita IVA

I've installed the following contribution: Partita IVA 2.51 & Codice Fiscale,1180 But I tested it, by creating a new account... so I filled in every line I had... but when I want to "continue" it tells me... that I've: 1. Incorrect Tax ...