ho installato questa contrib (box con i tag cloud, molto utile):
funziona bene, ma deve esserci qualche piccolo errore: come potete vedere qui sotto, quando la "attivo" mi cambia la formattazione del footer..(sfondo rosso invece del bianco e barra che segue la larghezza della pagina invece di rimanere delle dimensioni della tabella..)
qualcuno sa dirmi dov'è l'errore? di php non sono ferrato, ma penso sia 1 cosa facile da risolvere ...
ps. anche cambiando la classe infobox, l'errore rimane
Vi ringrazio in anticipo!
vi allego il codice della contrib:
<!-- tagcloud //-->
$info_box_contents = array();
$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => sprintf(TABLE_HEADING_TAGCLOUD, strftime('%B')));
new infoBoxHeading($info_box_contents, false, true);
$info_box_contents = array();
$products_query_raw = "select search, freq from customers_searches where language_id = " .$languages_id." order by search DESC";
$products_query1 = tep_db_query($products_query_raw);
class tagcloud {
// tag-styles: from very tiny to very big
// var $a_tag_styles = array('font-size:xx-small', 'font-size:x-small', 'font-size:small', 'font-size:medium', 'font-size:large', 'font-size:x-large', 'font-size:xx-large');
var $a_tag_styles = array('font-size:8px', 'font-size:9px', 'font-size:10px', 'font-size:11px', 'font-size:12px', 'font-size:13px','font-size:14px', 'font-size:15px','font-size:16px','font-size:18px', 'font-size:20px');
// how many tags do we want to display?
var $max_shown_tags;
// the tags
var $a_tc_data;
* Construct
function tagcloud($max_shown_tags = SEARCH_TAG_CLOUD_MAX_SHOWN_TAGS) {
$this->max_shown_tags = $max_shown_tags;
* Saves the date for the tagcloud
* @param array $a_tc_data An array with data. The keys are the actual tags, the values are how often they occure.
* eg.: array('tag1' => 3, 'tag2' => 1, 'tag3' => 7);
* @return bool Always returns true
function set_tagcloud_data($a_tc_data) {
$this->a_tc_data = $a_tc_data;
// since we only want a specified number of tags, we strip all the tags, that do not often occure.
$a_tags = array();
$tag_count = count($this->a_tc_data);
$i = 1;
while ($i <= $tag_count && $i <= $this->max_shown_tags) {
$a_tags[key($this->a_tc_data)] = current($this->a_tc_data);
$this->a_tc_data = $a_tags;
return true;
* Create the Tagcloud
* @return string Returns the HTML code for the tagcloud
function get_tagcloud() {
if (count($this->a_tc_data) <= 0) {
// no tags
return '';
// calculate the range that lies between the the different tag sizes
$count_high = current($this->a_tc_data);
$count_low = end($this->a_tc_data);
$range = ($count_high - $count_low) / (count($this->a_tag_styles) - 1);
// sort the tags alphabetically
//sort the array by keyword (not casesensitive)
uksort($this->a_tc_data, "strnatcasecmp");
// generate the html for the cloud
if ($range > 0) {
$b_first = true;
$prev_search = '';
foreach ($this->a_tc_data as $tag => $tagcount) {
$tag1 = str_replace(" ","%20",$tag);
if ($b_first) {
$html_cloud = '<div style="width:'. SEARCH_TAG_CLOUD_BOX_WIDTH .'; overflow:hidden"> <span style="' . $this->a_tag_styles[round(($tagcount - $count_low) / $range, 0)] . '"><a href="advanced_search_result.php?keywords='.$tag1.'&search_in_description=1">' . $tag . '</a></span>';
$b_first = false;
} else {
$html_cloud .= ' <span style="' . $this->a_tag_styles[round(($tagcount - $count_low) / $range, 0)] . '"><a href="advanced_search_result.php?keywords='.$tag1.'&search_in_description=1">' . $tag . '</a></span>';
$html_cloud .= '</div>';
} else {
// all tags are the same size
$b_first = true;
foreach ($this->a_tc_data as $tag => $tagcount) {
if ($b_first) {
$html_cloud = '<span class="tag' . $this->a_tag_styles[round((count($this->a_tag_styles)-1) / 2, 0)] . '"><a href="advanced_search_result.php?keywords='.$tag1.'&search_in_description=1">' . $tag . '</a></span>';
$b_first = false;
} else {
$html_cloud .= ' <span class="tag' . $this->a_tag_styles[round((count($this->a_tag_styles)-1) / 2, 0)] . '"><a href="advanced_search_result.php?keywords='.$tag1.'&search_in_description=1">' . $tag . '</a></span>';
return $html_cloud;
$tc_a_tags = array();
while ($tcproducts = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query1)) {
$tc_word = preg_replace('/(<(?:[^"\']|"(?:[^"]|\\\")*?"|\'(?:[^\']|\\\')*?\')*?' . '>)/si', ' ',$tcproducts['search']);
$tc_freq = $tcproducts['freq'];
$tc_a_tags[$tc_word] = $tc_freq;
$tc_tch = new tagcloud();
// hand over the tags to the class
// request the tagcloud
$tc_tagcloud = $tc_tch->get_tagcloud();
$info_box_contents[] = array('text' => $tc_tagcloud);
new bBox($info_box_contents);
<!-- new_products_eof //-->