Codice: Seleziona tutto
$path_catalog = "http://www.sito.est/";
# Once all is set up you need to check the result and make sure the output is correct
# Point the browser to and look into the source code of the out put
# What you need to see is something like this
# Category | Brand | MPN | Merchant Offer Id | Product Name | Product Description | Product URL | Product Image URL | Product Price | Currency
##### Avoid any modifications below this line #####
// Datafeed specific settings
if (isset($_GET['separator']))
$datafeed_separator = $_GET['separator'];
$datafeed_separator = ",";
if (isset($_GET['enclosure']))
$datafeed_enclosure = $_GET['enclosure'];
$datafeed_enclosure = '"';
if (isset($_GET['lineend']))
$line_separator = $_GET['lineend'];
$line_separator = "\n";
$strip_newline_in_description = true;
// Include required files
if(!file_exists($path_catalog . "/includes/application_top.php")) {
exit('Please ensure that datafeed.php is in the catalog directory, or make sure the path to the catalog directory is defined corectly above in $catalog_path variable');
else {
require($path_catalog . "/includes/application_top.php");
$already_sent = array();
// Detect default currency
$query_currency = tep_db_query("SELECT configuration_value FROM " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " WHERE configuration_key = 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY'");
$row_currency = tep_db_fetch_array( $query_currency );
// Detect default language code
$query_language_code = tep_db_query("SELECT configuration_value FROM " TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " WHERE configuration_key = 'DEFAULT_LANGUAGE'");
$row_language_code = tep_db_fetch_array( $query_language_code );
if (isset($_GET['language_code']))
$row_language_code['configuration_value'] = $_GET['language_code'];
// Detect default language ID
$query_language_id = tep_db_query("SELECT languages_id FROM " . TABLE_LANGUAGES . " WHERE code = '" . $row_language_code['configuration_value'] . "'");
$row_language_id = tep_db_fetch_array( $query_language_id );
if (isset($_GET['language_id']))
$row_language_id['languages_id'] = $_GET['language_id'];
// Grab the products
$products_query = tep_db_query("SELECT
manuf.manufacturers_name AS manufacturer,
prd.products_quantity AS quantity,
prd.products_date_available AS availability_date,
prd.products_id AS id,
prd.products_id AS mpc,
prd.products_model AS mpn,
prdsc.products_name AS name,
prdsc.products_description AS description,
prd.products_price AS price,
CONCAT_WS( ' > ' , catdescparent2.categories_name , CONCAT_WS( ' > ' , catdescparent.categories_name , catdesccurrent.categories_name )),
CONCAT_WS( ' > ' , catdescparent.categories_name , catdesccurrent.categories_name )
AS category
" . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " prd,
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " AS catdescparent on ( catdescparent.categories_id = " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ".parent_id AND catdescparent.language_id = '" . $row_language_id['languages_id'] . "' )
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " AS cat2 on ( cat2.categories_id = " TABLE_CATEGORIES . ".parent_id )
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " AS catdescparent2 on ( catdescparent2.categories_id = cat2.parent_id AND catdescparent2.language_id = '" . $row_language_id['languages_id'] . "' )
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_MANUFACTURERS . " AS manuf ON ( manuf.manufacturers_id = prd.manufacturers_id )
( prd.products_id = prdsc.products_id AND prdsc.language_id = '" . $row_language_id['languages_id'] . "' )
AND prd.products_id = prdtocat.products_id
AND prdtocat.categories_id = " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ".categories_id
AND ( catdesccurrent.categories_id = " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . ".categories_id AND catdesccurrent.language_id = '" . $row_language_id['languages_id'] . "' )
AND prd.products_status != 0");
// Check for any applicable specials for the corresponding products_id
$specials_query = tep_db_query("SELECT
" . TABLE_SPECIALS . ".products_id AS idS,
FORMAT(" . TABLE_SPECIALS . ".specials_new_products_price, 2) AS priceS
" . TABLE_SPECIALS . ".products_id = " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ".products_id
AND " . TABLE_SPECIALS . ".status != 0
AND " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ".products_status != 0");
while( $row_s = tep_db_fetch_array( $specials_query ) )
foreach ($row_s as $i=>$v) {
$SPECIALS[$row_s['idS']][$i] = $v;
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"offers.csv\"");
// print header
encloseValue('Category',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Brand',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('MPN',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Merchant Offer Id',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Product Name',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Product Description',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Product URL',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Product Image URL',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Product Price',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator
encloseValue('Currency',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Quantity',$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue('Available from',$datafeed_enclosure) . $line_separator;
// Print the products
while( $row = tep_db_fetch_array( $products_query ) )
// If we've sent this one, skip the rest - this is to ensure that we do not get duplicate products
if ($already_sent[$row['mpc']] == 1) continue;
$row['product_url'] = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $row['id'], 'NONSSL', false);
$row['image_url'] = HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $row['products_image'];
// Reset the products price to our special price if there is one for this product
if( $SPECIALS[$row['id']]['idS'] ){
$row['price'] = $SPECIALS[$row['id']]['priceS'];
// Clean product name (new lines)
$row['name'] = str_replace("\n", " ", $row['name']);
// remove \r from description
$row['description'] = str_replace("\r", "", $row['description']);
// replace space entity with actual space
$row['description'] = str_replace(" ", " ", $row['description']);
// need a space between \n and " if both are in a cell, otherwise behaviour is wrong in apps
$row['description'] = str_replace("\n\"", "\n \"", $row['description']);
// remove html tags
$row['description'] = strip_tags($row['description']);
// remove extra spaces
$row['description'] = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $row['description']);
if ($strip_newline_in_description)
$row['description'] = str_replace("\n", ' ', $row['description']);
// Clean product names and descriptions (separators)
if ($datafeed_separator == "\t") {
$row['name'] = str_replace("\t", " ", strip_tags($row['name']));
$row['description'] = str_replace("\t", " ", $row['description']);
elseif ($datafeed_separator == "|") {
$row['name'] = str_replace("|", " ", strip_tags($row['name']));
$row['description'] = str_replace("|", " ", $row['description']);
if ($datafeed_enclosure == '"') {
$row['name'] = str_replace('"', '""', strip_tags($row['name']));
$row['description'] = str_replace('"', '""', $row['description']);
elseif ($datafeed_enclosure == "'") {
$row['name'] = str_replace("'", "\\'", strip_tags($row['name']));
$row['description'] = str_replace("'", "\\'", $row['description']);
// Output the datafeed content
encloseValue($row['category'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['manufacturer'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['mpn'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator
encloseValue($row['mpc'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator
encloseValue($row['name'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator
encloseValue($row['description'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['product_url'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['image_url'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['price'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row_currency['configuration_value'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['quantity'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $datafeed_separator .
encloseValue($row['availability_date'],$datafeed_enclosure) . $line_separator;
$already_sent[$row['mpc']] = 1;
function encloseValue($strVal, $strEncloseChar) {
return $strEncloseChar . $strVal . $strEncloseChar;
Codice: Seleziona tutto
// Database access info
$db_location = "";
$db_name = "";
$db_username = "";
$db_password = "";
// Datafeed specific settings
$datafeed_separator = "|"; // Possible options are \t or |
$datafeed_currency = "EUR"; // Please make sure that you are using the corect currency code. Possible values are EUR, USD
// Connect to the database
$conn = @mysql_connect($db_location, $db_username, $db_password);
if (mysql_error()) {
print "Connection error. Please check the connection settings. Bye bye...";
// Select database to use
else {
@mysql_select_db($db_name, $conn);
if (mysql_error()) {
print "Connection error. Please check the connection settings. Bye bye...";
$prod_table = ""; // products table
$cat_table = ""; // categories table
// Query database for extracting data. It might be needed to left join the categories table for extracting the category name
$q = "SELECT $, $prod_table.manufacturer, $prod_table.model, $, $, $prod_table.desc, $prod_table.image, $prod_table.price FROM $prod_table
LEFT JOIN $cat_table ON $prod_table.cat_id = $
WHERE $prod_table.status = 'active'";
$r = @mysql_query($q);
// There are no errors so we can continue
if (!mysql_error()) {
while (list($cat_name, $prod_manufacturer, $prod_model, $prod_id, $prod_name, $prod_desc, $prod_image, $prod_price) = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
// Clean product name (new lines)
$prod_name = str_replace("\n", "", strip_tags($prod_name));
// Clean product description (Replace new line with <BR>). In order to make sure the code does not contains other HTML code it might be a good ideea to strip_tags()
$prod_desc = replace_not_in_tags("\n", "<BR />", $prod_desc);
$prod_desc = str_replace("\n", " ", $prod_desc);
$prod_desc = str_replace("\r", "", $prod_desc);
// Clean product names and descriptions (separators)
if ($datafeed_separator == "\t") {
$prod_name = str_replace("\t", " ", strip_tags($prod_name));
$prod_desc = str_replace("\t", " ", $prod_desc);
elseif ($datafeed_separator == "|") {
$prod_name = str_replace("|", " ", strip_tags($prod_name));
$prod_desc = str_replace("|", " ", $prod_desc);
else {
print "Incorrect columns separator.";
$prod_url = function_to_get_product_url($prod_id);
$prod_image = function_to_get_product_image($prod_image);
// Here you can overwrite the default currency if your products are listed with different currencies
// $datafeed_currency = $prod_currency
// Required fields are: category name, merchant product ID, product name, product URL, product price
// For the product model you should only use the manufacturer code, ISBN code or UPC code - If you are not sure about a field please leave it empty
// Strip html from category name
$cat_name = html_to_text($cat_name);
// Output the datafeed content
$cat_name . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_manufacturer . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_model . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_id . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_name . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_desc . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_url . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_image . $datafeed_separator .
$prod_price . $datafeed_separator .
$datafeed_currency . "\n";
else {
print "Query error: " . mysql_error();
// Function to return the Product URL based on your product ID
function function_to_get_product_url($prod_id){
return "http://www.sito.est/product.php?id=" . $prod_id;
// Function to return the Product Image based on your product image or optionally Product ID
function function_to_get_product_image($prod_image){
return "http://www.sito.est/product_images/" . $prod_image . ".jpg";
function html_to_text($string){
$search = array (
"'<script[^>]*?>.*?</script>'si", // Strip out javascript
"'<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>'si", // Strip out html tags
"'([\r\n])[\s]+'", // Strip out white space
"'&(quot|#34);'i", // Replace html entities
); // evaluate as php
$replace = array (
" ",
" ",
" ",
$text = preg_replace ($search, $replace, $string);
return $text;
function replace_not_in_tags($find_str, $replace_str, $string) {
$find = array($find_str);
$replace = array($replace_str);
preg_match_all('#[^>]+(?=<)|[^>]+$#', $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $val) {
if (trim($val[0]) != "") {
$string = str_replace($val[0], str_replace($find, $replace, $val[0]), $string);
return $string;