come si fa ad aggiungere delle zone sul modulo spedizione
corriere espresso?
io intanto ho aggiunto sul DB
ma penso non basti bisogna anche modificare i fileINSERT INTO configuration VALUES (17187, 'Zone 4 Handling Fee', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_CORRIERE1_HANDLING_4', '', 'Handling Fee for this shipping zone', 6, 0, NULL, '2004-11-14 15:58:11', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (17185, 'Zone 4 Countries', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_CORRIERE1_COUNTRIES_4', '*', 'Comma separated list of two character ISO country codes that are part of Zone 4.', 6, 0, NULL, '2004-11-14 15:58:11', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO configuration VALUES (17186, 'Zone 4 Shipping Table', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_CORRIERE1_COST_4', '10:11,50:15', 'Shipping rates to Zone 4 destinations based on a group of maximum order weights. Example: 3:8.50,7:10.50,... Weights less than or equal to 3 would cost 8.50 for Zone 3 destinations.', 6, 0, NULL, '2004-11-14 15:58:11', NULL, NULL);
ma come?