Ragazzi mi potete aiutare con questa contributions?
Importo il database ed ecco i primi problemi in pratica non accetta il valore 1,18 in effetti nel database ed in particolare in admin_file e quindi admin group id è possibile solo inserire un valore che sia 1 o 2 che faccio?????
ho provato ad installare 1 in tutte le voci con 1,18 e va ( ma cosa succede così?????)
dopo sovrascrivo i file che sono nella cartella e diciamo che in teoria funziona tranne che in configurazione mi dà BOX_CONFIGURATION_ADMINISTRATORS e se vado in amministration dove si hanno tutti i menù a centro pagina ho
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premetto che è una versione in locale installazione pulita senza nessuna contributions e ancora in lingua inglese la versione di osc è la 2.2rc2a uso easyphp ho abilitato register e long array grazie per l'aiuto
Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0
Moderatore: mod Generali
Re: Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0
Codice: Seleziona tutto
# $Id: admin_tabel.sql, v 1.71 2003/04/17 hpdl Exp $
# --------------------------------------------------
# for osCommerce's Administration Tool
# Released under the GPL
# Author
# ------
# Zaenal Muttaqin
# zaenal@paramartha
# donation to http://www.stormpay.com <email: zaenal@paramartha.org>
# Table structure for table `admin`
# ---------------------------------
admin_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
admin_groups_id int(11) default NULL,
admin_firstname varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
admin_lastname varchar(32) default NULL,
admin_email_address varchar(96) NOT NULL default '',
admin_password varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
admin_created datetime default NULL,
admin_modified datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
admin_logdate datetime default NULL,
admin_lognum int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (admin_id),
UNIQUE KEY admin_email_address (admin_email_address)
INSERT INTO admin VALUES (1, 1, 'AdminFirstname', 'AdminLastname', 'admin@localhost', '351683ea4e19efe34874b501fdbf9792:9b', now(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00', null, 0);
# Table structure for table `admin_files`
# ---------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE admin_files (
admin_files_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
admin_files_name varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
admin_files_is_boxes tinyint(5) NOT NULL default '0',
admin_files_to_boxes int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
admin_groups_id set('1','2') NOT NULL default '1',
PRIMARY KEY (admin_files_id)
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (1, 'administrator.php', 1, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (2, 'configuration.php', 1, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (3, 'catalog.php', 1, 0, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (4, 'modules.php', 1, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (5, 'customers.php', 1, 0, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (6, 'taxes.php', 1, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (7, 'localization.php', 1, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (8, 'reports.php', 1, 0, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (9, 'tools.php', 1, 0, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (10, 'admin_members.php', 0, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (11, 'admin_files.php', 0, 1, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (12, 'configuration.php', 0, 2, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (13, 'categories.php', 0, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (14, 'products_attributes.php', 0, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (15, 'manufacturers.php', 0, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (16, 'reviews.php', 0, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (17, 'specials.php', 0, 3, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (18, 'products_expected.php', 0, 3, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (19, 'modules.php', 0, 4, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (20, 'customers.php', 0, 5, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (21, 'orders.php', 0, 5, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (22, 'countries.php', 0, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (23, 'zones.php', 0, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (24, 'geo_zones.php', 0, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (25, 'tax_classes.php', 0, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (26, 'tax_rates.php', 0, 6, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (27, 'currencies.php', 0, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (28, 'languages.php', 0, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (29, 'orders_status.php', 0, 7, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (30, 'stats_products_viewed.php', 0, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (31, 'stats_products_purchased.php', 0, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (32, 'stats_customers.php', 0, 8, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (33, 'backup.php', 0, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (34, 'banner_manager.php', 0, 9, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (35, 'cache.php', 0, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (36, 'define_language.php', 0, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (37, 'file_manager.php', 0, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (38, 'mail.php', 0, 9, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (39, 'newsletters.php', 0, 9, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (40, 'server_info.php', 0, 9, '1');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (41, 'whos_online.php', 0, 9, '1,18');
INSERT INTO admin_files VALUES (42, 'banner_statistics.php', 0, 9, '1,18');
# Table structure for table `admin_groups`
# ----------------------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS admin_groups;
CREATE TABLE admin_groups (
admin_groups_id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
admin_groups_name varchar(64) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (admin_groups_id),
UNIQUE KEY admin_groups_name (admin_groups_name)
INSERT INTO admin_groups VALUES (1, 'Top Administrator');
INSERT INTO admin_groups VALUES (2, 'Marketing');
Re: Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0
sempre lo stesso errore
sempre lo stesso errore
Re: Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0
l'ho appena installato e non ho avuto nessun tipo di problema
Re: Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0
può essere sia qualcosa che abbia a che vedere con l'installazione in locale e easyphp?
Re: Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0
non saprei dirti perchè l'ho installato direttamente in remoto... mentre sulla versione che uso in locale sono partito dal pacchetto di bass e già c'era e non dava nessun problema