Problema col ripristino Database
Inviato: 08/12/2009, 0:10
Salve a tutti. premetto di essere molto ignorante in materia. Ho creato uno store con OsCommerce con più di 400 articoli. Una volta terminato ho creato un file di backup del database. Per una serie di motivi ho dovuto cancellare tutto ciò che avevo fatto dall'Hard Disk, eccetto il file di backup del database e una copia su pendrive del lavoro da me svolto. nel ricaricare tutto sul pc, non mi permette più il ripristino o meglio, avvio il ripristino, ad un punto di blocca e mi compare questo messaggio:
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'or, columns,, if, must, because, customer, product_order, host, languages, manuf' at line 1
drop table if exists address_book, address_format, administrators, banners, banners_history, categories, categories_description, columns_priv, configuration, configuration_group, counter, counter_history, countries, currencies, customers, customers_basket, customers_basket_attributes, customers_info, db, func, geo_zones, help_category, help_keyword, help_relation, help_topic, or, columns,, if, must, because, customer, product_order, host, languages, manufacturers, manufacturers_info, newsletters, orders, orders_products, orders_products_attributes, orders_products_download, orders_status, orders_status_history, orders_total, proc, procs_priv, products, products_attributes, products_attributes_download, products_description, products_notifications, products_options, products_options_values, products_options_values_to_products_options, products_to_categories, reviews, reviews_description, sessions, specials, tables_priv, tax_class, tax_rates, time_zone, time_zone_leap_second, time_zone_name, time_zone_transition, time_zone_transition_type, user, whos_online, zones, zones_to_geo_zones
come posso rimediare? che devo fare? vi prego è urgente.
1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'or, columns,, if, must, because, customer, product_order, host, languages, manuf' at line 1
drop table if exists address_book, address_format, administrators, banners, banners_history, categories, categories_description, columns_priv, configuration, configuration_group, counter, counter_history, countries, currencies, customers, customers_basket, customers_basket_attributes, customers_info, db, func, geo_zones, help_category, help_keyword, help_relation, help_topic, or, columns,, if, must, because, customer, product_order, host, languages, manufacturers, manufacturers_info, newsletters, orders, orders_products, orders_products_attributes, orders_products_download, orders_status, orders_status_history, orders_total, proc, procs_priv, products, products_attributes, products_attributes_download, products_description, products_notifications, products_options, products_options_values, products_options_values_to_products_options, products_to_categories, reviews, reviews_description, sessions, specials, tables_priv, tax_class, tax_rates, time_zone, time_zone_leap_second, time_zone_name, time_zone_transition, time_zone_transition_type, user, whos_online, zones, zones_to_geo_zones
come posso rimediare? che devo fare? vi prego è urgente.