Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
Moderatore: mod Generali
- membro Junior
- Messaggi: 17
- Iscritto il: 11/05/2009, 13:37
Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
Salve a tutti, volevo chiedervi potreste gentilmente indicarmi in quale file l'oscommerce aggiorna le quantità in stock dopo aver aquistato qualcosa? Credo che me le aggiorni solo se aquistano in contrassegno, mentre invece con gli altri metodi sembrerebbe saltare il processo.
Ringrazio per eventuali risposte
Ringrazio per eventuali risposte
- membro Junior
- Messaggi: 17
- Iscritto il: 11/05/2009, 13:37
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
ragazzi il problema è il metodo di pagamento paypall che non aggiorna le quantità, nessuno puo dirmi dove trovarne uno funzionante?
- membro Junior
- Messaggi: 17
- Iscritto il: 11/05/2009, 13:37
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
ho installato l'ultima versione di paypal_ipn , la "3.0_1", sapete se per caso quel problema persiste anche con quest'ultima?
((per i mod: potreste cambiare il titolo del thred in "Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto con Paypal"? cosi è piu chiaro per chi lo vede))
((per i mod: potreste cambiare il titolo del thred in "Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto con Paypal"? cosi è piu chiaro per chi lo vede))
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
Ho lo stesso problema,
hai risolto in qualche modo? se si come!?!?
Grazie e buona giornata
hai risolto in qualche modo? se si come!?!?
Grazie e buona giornata
- membro Junior
- Messaggi: 17
- Iscritto il: 11/05/2009, 13:37
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
Ciao mark, ho ricevuto il tuo pm, cercherò di postare qui la soluzione (almeno il modo in cui ho risolto io) e spero che possa essere utile anche a te.
Il problema che avevo io con paypall era praticamente un problema di comunicazione tra paypal e l'osc, mi spiego meglio; quando un cliente acquistava con metodo paypal e veniva reindirizzato alla pagina ssl di paypal, anche dopo aver concluso il pagamento, la comunicazione di avvenuta transazione non veniva raccolta dall' oscommerce, che quindi rimaneva in attesa perenne e non aggiornava le quantità in stock. Il modo con il quale ho risolto è stato reinstallare l'ultima versione del modulo di paypal da qui,2679 e applicare alcune modifiche al codice php di alcuni file dell'oscommerce per far sì che le quantità venissero sottratte anticipatamente ogni qual volta qualcuno aquistasse con paypal e solo se il cliente annulla il pagamento le quantità si ristabiliscono. Le modifiche da apportare le trovi indicate tutte sul sito che ti ho linkato, in ogni caso te le riporto qui (fai una modifica alla volta e prova se riesci allo scopo):
Spulciando tra i due blocchi di codice che ti ho postato dovresti trovare un po tutto quello che hai bisogno.
Spero di esserti stato di aiuto (è passato un po di tempo da quanto ho avuto il problema, magari dimentico qualcosa
edit: volevo solo aggiungere che anche dopo aver sistemato il problema, se il cliente procede all'acquisto con paypal ma successivamente invece di annullare il pagamento con l'apposito tasto annulla di paypal lo fa semplicemente chiudendo la finestra del pagamento, l'osc rimane ancora in attesa di un avvenuto pagamento o di un eventuale annullamento, a questo punto sta a te cancellare l'ordine pendente e quindi ristabilire le quantità se dopo un pò ti accorgi che il cliente non paga più.
Il problema che avevo io con paypall era praticamente un problema di comunicazione tra paypal e l'osc, mi spiego meglio; quando un cliente acquistava con metodo paypal e veniva reindirizzato alla pagina ssl di paypal, anche dopo aver concluso il pagamento, la comunicazione di avvenuta transazione non veniva raccolta dall' oscommerce, che quindi rimaneva in attesa perenne e non aggiornava le quantità in stock. Il modo con il quale ho risolto è stato reinstallare l'ultima versione del modulo di paypal da qui,2679 e applicare alcune modifiche al codice php di alcuni file dell'oscommerce per far sì che le quantità venissero sottratte anticipatamente ogni qual volta qualcuno aquistasse con paypal e solo se il cliente annulla il pagamento le quantità si ristabiliscono. Le modifiche da apportare le trovi indicate tutte sul sito che ti ho linkato, in ogni caso te le riporto qui (fai una modifica alla volta e prova se riesci allo scopo):
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Installing the PayPal IPN
If you already have a version of this PayPal IPN module installed, then
you will need to remove the IPN from your admin area first (by clicking
"remove") before following the steps below.
1. Copy the files in the directory structure set in the contribution
download file to your osCommerce installation directory inc. the
new /ext/ folder.
2. Make any changes you need to the language level files.
3. In catalogincludesfunctionsgeneral.php
Find the ENDING:
is used in shopping_cart.php when a temporary order needs to be
deleted // after it was cancelled by customer on paypal site.
function tep_remove_order($order_id, $restock = false) { if
($restock == 'on') { $order_query = tep_db_query("select
products_id, products_quantity from " . TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . "
where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id . "'"); while ($order =
tep_db_fetch_array($order_query)) { tep_db_query("update " .
TABLE_PRODUCTS . " set products_quantity = products_quantity + " .
$order['products_quantity'] . ", products_ordered =
products_ordered - " . $order['products_quantity'] . " where
products_id = '" . (int)$order['products_id'] . "'"); } }
tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where orders_id =
'" . (int)$order_id . "'"); tep_db_query("delete from " .
TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id .
"'"); tep_db_query("delete from " .
TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . " where orders_id = '" .
(int)$order_id . "'"); tep_db_query("delete from " .
TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " where orders_id = '" .
(int)$order_id . "'"); tep_db_query("delete from " .
TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . " where orders_id = '" . (int)$order_id .
4. In catalogshopping_cart.php
Find this:
$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART));
see if customer has cancelled a paypal_ipn process if (
$HTTP_GET_VARS['ipn']== 'cancel_ipn' &&
tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['order']) ) { // Make sure that this
order is THIS customers' order // We don't want anybody to pass
order numbers to here and delete other people's orders!!!!
$delete_order_query = tep_db_query("SELECT customers_id FROM " .
TABLE_ORDERS . " WHERE `orders_id`='" .
(int)$HTTP_GET_VARS['order'] . "'"); $delete_order =
tep_db_fetch_array($delete_order_query); //echo "DEBUG -
delete_order=".$delete_order['customers_id']."<br />"; //echo
"DEBUG - customer id in session=".$customer_id."<br />"; if (
$delete_order['customers_id']==$customer_id ) { // Delete the
order //echo "DEBUG - about to delete order!!!<br />";
tep_remove_order($HTTP_GET_VARS['order'], ''); } } // END DELETE
5. Go to the Administration Tool->Modules->Payment section at your
osCommerce Administration Tool.
6. Install the /PayPal IPN/ module and configure its parameters.
Note: The module is disabled by default so configuration can occur
during the operation of a live store.
back to top <#top>
Configuration Settings (Shop Admin)
Enable PayPal IPN Module
When enabled, the customer is allowed to choose the PayPal IPN payment
method at the checkout procedure.
Gateway Server
The server to use for transaction processing.
The /Testing/ server uses PayPals Sandbox server, and the /Live/ server
is used to process real transactions.
Please note that the Testing/Sandbox server is independent to the Live
server, and requires it's own seller user account. Accounts can be
created for free at
Note: This is set to the Testing server by default.
E-Mail Address
The e-mail address of the business account setup at PayPal (the seller
e-mail address). The funds gathered from purchased orders paid through
the PayPal IPN module will be sent to this PayPal account.
Sort order of display
The order in which the PayPal IPN payment method should be shown on the
checkout payment page if more than one payment method is available.
Transaction Currency
The currency for PayPal to use for the transaction. /Selected Currency/
allows multiple currencies to be accepted, where the customer chosen
currency is used for the transaction. If you use this option then you
must have enabled acceptance of those currencies in your Pay Pal account
settings. If a specific currency is selected (i.e. EUR, USD, ..) and the
customer has selected another currency during the checkout procedure,
the transaction will be forced to the currency defined by the store
Payment Zone
If defined, the PayPal IPN payment method will only be available to
orders made within the defined zone.
Set Preparing Order Status
As soon as the checkout confirmation page is shown to the customer, the
contents of the shopping cart are prematurely stored in the orders table
with this defined order status.
If the customer decides to alter the content of their shopping cart
(different products, different shipping or billing address, or if the
currency has been changed), the order is deleted from the orders table
and is reinserted with the updated information.
This only occurs when the checkout confirmation page is shown to the
customer, so if the shopping cart has been modified, it will be out of
sync with the premature order in the database until the checkout
confirmation page is shown again.
If a premature order has been stored in the orders database table and
the customer does not make the payment transaction at PayPal, the order
will remain in the database until manually removed by the store
administrator. This can be done easily by selecting the "Set Preparing
Order Status" status on the status filter on the Administration
Tool->Customers->Orders page, to show the current existing orders made
Please take care when removing premature orders - make sure they are a
few days old.
Premature orders will have their order status set to the "Preparing
[PayPal IPN]" value but will not contain an entry in the order status
history database table until the customer has made the payment
transaction at PayPal and has returned back to the store to the checkout
process and checkout success pages. (This can be used to differentiate
between invalid and valid orders)
Set PayPal Acknowledged Order Status
This is the status the premature order is set to when an IPN
notification from PayPal has been received, and has returned the result
Notifications with the result of INVALID will not make any modification
to the premature order.
VERIFIED orders will automatically have an order status history record
inserted containing the PayPal status values in the order comment. This
comment will not be sent to the customer via e-mail, but is visible to
the customer when they view their order online.
Set PayPal Completed Order Status
This is the status the premature order is set to when an IPN
notification from PayPal has been received, has returned the result of
VERIFIED and the PayPal payment status is returend as "completed".
Only orders where payment has been received successfully should show
with this order status, allowing you e.g. to use it for releasing
downloadable content.
Transaction Type
This allows you to define how the transactions should be processed at
PayPal - either with each product in the order being passed to PayPal
(Per Item), or without the products with just the order totals being
passed to PayPal (Aggregate).
The recommended setting is Aggregate. Per item can cause problems,
especially when used together with contributions such as CCGV(trad).
Move tax to total
Do you want to move the tax to the total amount? If true PayPal will
allways show the total amount including tax. Now working in both 'per
item' and 'aggregate' modes, so the choice is all yours.
Page Style
The page style to use which is defined in your PayPal Profile account.
PayPal allows you to define page styles from within your PayPal account
to display e.g. your logo during checkout. Leave blank for default style.
Debug E-Mail Address
All parameters to an Invalid order is sent to this e-mail address for
debugging/verification purposes.
cURL Proxy server
If curl transactions need to go through a proxy, type the address here
starting with http://. Otherwise, leave it blank. The current GoDaddy
proxy address is
Enable Encrypted Web Payments
When enabled, the order parameters will be encrypted to be sent to PayPal.
Note: This feature requires a working OpenSSL installation on your
server, with access rights to the "openssl" program file.
Note: The "openssl" program file is called via PHPs exec() function,
which the webserver needs to have access to.
Your Private Key
The location and filename of your private key to use for signing the
order data.
Your Public Certificate
The location and filename of your public certificate to use for signing
the order data.
PayPal's Public Certificate
The location and filename of the PayPal public key to use for encrypting
the order data.
Your PayPal Public Certificate ID
The public certificate ID that PayPal should use to decrypt the
encrypted order data.
Note: This is defined at your PayPal Encrypted Payment Settings Profile
Working Directory
The working directory to create temporary files. (All created files are
automatically deleted when no longer needed)
OpenSSL Location
The location and filename of the OpenSSL "openssl" program file.
back to top <#top>
PayPal Payment Status - info in order comment
The information sent back by PayPal is included in the order comment in
brackets. The following replies are possible:
* Canceled-Reversal: A reversal has been canceled. For example, you
won a dispute with the customer, and the funds for the transaction
that was reversed have been returned to you.
* Completed: The payment has been completed, and the funds have been
added successfully to your account balance.
* Denied: You denied the payment. This happens only if the payment
was previously pending because of possible reasons described for
the PendingReason element.
* Expired: This authorization has expired and cannot be captured.
* Failed: The payment has failed. This happens only if the payment
was made from your customer's bank account.
* In-Progress: The transaction is in process of authorization and
* Partially-Refunded: The transaction has been partially refunded.
* Pending: The payment is pending. See pending_ re for more information.
* Processed: A payment has been accepted.
* Refunded: You refunded the payment.
* Reversed: A payment was reversed due to a chargeback or other type
of reversal. The funds have been removed from your account balance
and returned to the buyer. The reason for the reversal is
specified in the ReasonCode element.
* Voided: This authorization has been voided.
For more informatin and a full list of reasons please go to
and scroll down until you see "payment_ status".
Understanding the possible codes will help you to correctly identify the
information sent back by PayPal and stored in the order comment.
Codice: Seleziona tutto
If payments are being received at PayPal but the stock level/orders
status is not updated and confirmation emails are not sent, then IPN
(Instant Payment Notification) is not working.
Follow the check list below for trouble shooting:
* Make sure you have copied the *ext* folder to your server
under your catalog directory.
* Try to open catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn/ipn.php in
internet browser
change the words marked in red corresponding to your store). A
blank page will show up if there is no problem accessing this
script. If you can't access this script (access denied or file
not found), nor can PayPal call back to it. Do not password
protect the ext folder, and make sure the access permission is
set to 644.
* If your server has register globals off and you need to turn
it on by using a custom php.ini file, you need to put that
php.ini under the ext folder as well. IPN won't work if
register globals turned off.
* Check if you have a shared/dedicated SSL, or your server has
cURL lib installed. IPN won't work if you don't have any of these.
* Check if your server requires cURL connections to route
through a proxy server. If this is the case, you need to setup
the cURL proxy address.
* If none of the tips above works, post your problem in detail
to the support thread
Please include the PHP version, cURL version, osCommerce
version and PayPal IPN version.
If orders are not returning data back from PayPal, then it is possible
that "Register Globals" is not set *On*. A /php.ini/ file must be
present in the catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn folder.
* Create a file called php.ini and add this line to the top:
Register_Globals = On
* Save the file, place it in the
catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn folder, and upload.
* Your data should now pass back to your site and update in your
If email confirmations are sent with character anomalies and aren't
formatted properly, then you may need to add the nl2br() tag to your
tep_mail functions.
In catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn/ipn.php
Find this: tep_mail($order->customer['name'],
$order->customer['email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT,
REPLACE with this: tep_mail($order->customer['name'],
$order->customer['email_address'], EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT,
Find this: tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO,
REPLACE with this: tep_mail('', SEND_EXTRA_ORDER_EMAILS_TO,
EMAIL_TEXT_SUBJECT, nl2br($email_order), STORE_OWNER,
back to top <#top>
Community support for this module is provided on the osCommerce forum:
There's also a useful thread by AlexStudio about PayPal IPN, SSLs &
Encrypted Web Payments and Download Controller:
Please do not PM or email myself (Terra) unless you are looking for paid
support via my osCom hosting & development company
back to top <#top>
Developer Notes
ipn.php handles the information returend by PayPal. Whenever the payment
status changes, ipn.php is accessed and the order updated. Since version
2.0 the ipn.php also handles stock updates and sending of order emails.
Please note that the ipn.php is accessed every time the status changes -
e.g. when an echeck clears or a payment is refunded.
As the ipn.php is outside the customer's session id, we don't have all
the arrays from checkout_process.php. What we have is:
* Variables generated by application_top.php
* $order array generated by the function query() in the order class.
The $order array in ipn.php DIFFERS from the $order array
available in checkout_process!. To check the array structure go to
the function query() in the order class /includes/classes/order.php.
* Any variables posted back by PayPal as $_POST.
To check what an array contains, you can send it as an email. Add the
following code to ipn.php e.g. around line 91 (and change the email
address to one of your own):
// DEBUG let's check the array
$order_email = print_r($_POST,true) . "nn" . EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "nn"
. print_r($_order,true);
mail('', 'Debug Test Array', $order_email);
paypal_ipn.php handles the pre-storing of the order and sending the
parameters to PayPal.
paypal_ipn.php bypases checkout_process by loading a redirect into the
before_process. No code in checkout_process.php after the
before_process() is used (around line 50).
Payment processes
osCommerce uses a number of functions in the checkout process to include
code from the payment module. The following list gives you the function
name and the page which contains it:
* checkout_payment: javascript_validation(); selection()
* checkout_confirmation: update_status(); pre-confirmation_check();
confirmation(); process_button()
* checkout_process: before_process(); after_process()
Spero di esserti stato di aiuto (è passato un po di tempo da quanto ho avuto il problema, magari dimentico qualcosa
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
edit: volevo solo aggiungere che anche dopo aver sistemato il problema, se il cliente procede all'acquisto con paypal ma successivamente invece di annullare il pagamento con l'apposito tasto annulla di paypal lo fa semplicemente chiudendo la finestra del pagamento, l'osc rimane ancora in attesa di un avvenuto pagamento o di un eventuale annullamento, a questo punto sta a te cancellare l'ordine pendente e quindi ristabilire le quantità se dopo un pò ti accorgi che il cliente non paga più.
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
Il problema persiste, ho fatto diversi tentativi ma non capisco l'inghippo.
Il codice da aggiungere per ogni pagina era già OK ! il problema è altrove....
altre idee?
grazie e buona giornata
Il codice da aggiungere per ogni pagina era già OK ! il problema è altrove....
altre idee?
grazie e buona giornata
- membro Junior
- Messaggi: 17
- Iscritto il: 11/05/2009, 13:37
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
hai provato questo?
Codice: Seleziona tutto
If orders are not returning data back from PayPal, then it is possible
that "Register Globals" is not set *On*. A /php.ini/ file must be
present in the catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn folder.
* Create a file called php.ini and add this line to the top:
Register_Globals = On
* Save the file, place it in the
catalog/ext/modules/payment/paypal_ipn folder, and upload.
* Your data should now pass back to your site and update in your
Re: Aggiornare le quantita in stock dopo l'acquisto
La soluzione adottata è stata la seguente:
1) Rimozione del modulo PayPal (si è dimostrato un prodotto poco valido, non parliamo dell'assistenza....)
2) Ricerca di un modulo ed una forma bancaria più sicura ed affidabile
1) Rimozione del modulo PayPal (si è dimostrato un prodotto poco valido, non parliamo dell'assistenza....)
2) Ricerca di un modulo ed una forma bancaria più sicura ed affidabile