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Errore esecuzione query contrib RockSlideShow

Inviato: 25/03/2010, 14:00
da troy
Ciao a tutti, ho effettuato un tentativo di installazione della contrib in oggetto,22, quando eseguo la query seguente mi si presenta questo errore, qualcuno gentilmente può darmi aiuto per risolvere questo problema.



query SQL:

ALTER TABLE `configuration` CHANGE `set_function` `set_function` TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL INSERT INTO `configuration_group`
'789', 'Slideshow', 'Slideshow', '999', '1'

Messaggio di MySQL: Documentazione
#1064 - Errore di sintassi nella query SQL vicino a 'INSERT INTO `configuration_group` VALUES ( '789', 'Slideshow', 'Slideshow', '999' linea 2


ALTER TABLE `configuration` CHANGE `set_function` `set_function` TEXT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL
INSERT INTO `configuration_group` VALUES ( '789', 'Slideshow', 'Slideshow', '999', '1' );
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Display Slideshow', 'DISPLAY_SLIDESHOW', 'True', 'Show Slideshow on front page', '789', '1', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Width', 'SLIDESHOW_WIDTH', '500', 'Slideshow width on front page', '789', '2', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Height', 'SLIDESHOW_HIGHT', '350', 'Slideshow hight on front page', '789', '3', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Loding Div', 'SLIDESHOW_LODINGDIV', '1', 'Show slideshow loding div', '789', '4', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Show Title', 'SLIDESHOW_TITLE', '1', 'Show slideshow image title', '789', '5', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Show Caption', 'SLIDESHOW_DESC', 'true', 'Shows text captions if they are found.', '789', '6', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Caption Height', 'SLIDESHOW_CAPTION_HIGHT', '100', 'Height of Caption area in px', '789', '7', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Title size', 'SLIDESHOW_TITLE_SIZE', '13px', 'Size of the title', '789', '8', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Title color', 'SLIDESHOW_TITLE_COLOR', '#fff', 'Color of the title', '789', '9', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Description size', 'SLIDESHOW_DESC_SIZE', '11px', 'Size of the description text', '789', '10', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Description color', 'SLIDESHOW_TITLE_COLOR', '#ccc', 'Color of the description', '789', '11', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Dynamic Image Resizing', 'SLIDESHOW_RESIZE', 'true', 'If you are experiencing problems with zooming and other effects, try setting this to False', '789', '12', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'true\', \'false\'),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Image Duration', 'SLIDESHOW_IMG_DURATION', '9000', 'Duration to stay on each image in ms', '789', '13', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Transition Duration', 'SLIDESHOW_TRA_DURATION', '2000', 'Duration to stay on each image in ms', '789', '14', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Transition Type', 'SLIDESHOW_TRA_TYPE', 'combo', 'Type of transition effect', '789', '15', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'fade\', \'zoom\', \'pan\', \'combo\', \'push\', \'wipe\'),');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Pan Percent', 'SLIDESHOW_PAN', '50', '0 - 100% amount of panning for Panning or Combo type transitions', '789', '16', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Zoom Percent', 'SLIDESHOW_ZOOM', '50', '0 - 100% amount of zooming for Zooming or Combo type transitions', '789', '17', NULL, now(), NULL , '');
INSERT INTO `configuration` VALUES ('', 'Transition for Push/Wipe', 'SLIDESHOW_TRA', 'Sine.easeInOut', 'Any of the available MooTools transitions.', '789', '18', NULL, now(), NULL , 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'linear\', \'Quad.easeOut\', \'Quad.easeIn\', \'Quad.easeInOut\', \'Cubic.easeOut\', \'Cubic.easeIn\',\'Cubic.easeInOut\',\'Quart.easeOut\',\'Quart.easeIn\',\'Quart.easeInOut\',\'Quint.easeOut\',\'Quint.easeIn\',\'Quint.easeInOut\',\'Expo.easeOut\',\'Expo.easeIn\',\'Expo.easeInOut\',\'Circ.easeOut\',\'Circ.easeIn\',\'Circ.easeInOut\',\'Sine.easeOut\',\'Sine.easeIn\',\'Sine.easeInOut\',\'Back.easeOut\',\'Back.easeIn\',\'Back.easeInOut\',\'Bounce.easeOut\',\'Bounce.easeIn\',\'Bounce.easeInOut\',\'Elastic.easeOut\',\'Elastic.easeIn\',\'Elastic.easeInOut\'),');

`slideshow_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`language_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`slideshow_file` varchar(150) NOT NULL,
`slideshow_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`slideshow_desc` text NOT NULL,
`slideshow_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `slideshow_id` (`slideshow_id`,`language_id`)

Re: Errore esecuzione query contrib RockSlideShow

Inviato: 25/03/2010, 18:53
da troy
Risolto, mancava il ; alla fine della prima riga.
...che sbadato !!!

Grazie cmq